Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Viewsonic Experience Turns Sour for Users

Please find this excellent article at
As Rajesh Jain of Mahavir Electronics says, “Many of our customers have come with complaints and (Viewsonic) takes almost two to three months to replace or repair the monitor."
While many users had opted for Viewsonic mainly for it's seeming low-cost, they have paid a very high price for their decision.
Neeta Kaur and Michael Pereira, are just two amongst innumerable Viewsonic customers who have been unable to use their computers for long stretches of time because Viewsonic just does not care.
According to the article Viewsonic sold 1.5 lakh LCD monitors in three months and about 70 per cent of them had manufacturing defects. A company that sells 70% of it's products with defects - KNOWS IT WAS SELLING DEFECTIVE PRODUCTS TO CUSTOMERS. There must be a phrase for such action but it certainly is not "ethical business".

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